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Enjoy a fun walk or cycle around the perimeter of Blickling Park. This 4 mile (6.4km) multi-use trail – perfect for walkers, pushchairs, adapted wheelchair users and cyclists – is ideal for all-weather use with a hard surface, and takes you through woods and open land. Visit the Tower, Great Wood and Mausoleum as you explore.
Start point: Blickling main car park, grid ref: TG178286.
1. With the visitor centre behind you, head towards the rear of the car park and follow the fence round to the road. Turn left and then turn right at the tree in the middle of the road towards the gates into Blickling park. After going through the gate, take the left fork in front of you and then follow the green arrow to take the track on your left.
2. The track bears away to the...Read More
Enjoy a fun walk or cycle around the perimeter of Blickling Park. This 4 mile (6.4km) multi-use trail – perfect for walkers, pushchairs, adapted wheelchair users and cyclists – is ideal for all-weather use with a hard surface, and takes you through woods and open land. Visit the Tower, Great Wood and Mausoleum as you explore.
Start point: Blickling main car park, grid ref: TG178286.
1. With the visitor centre behind you, head towards the rear of the car park and follow the fence round to the road. Turn left and then turn right at the tree in the middle of the road towards the gates into Blickling park. After going through the gate, take the left fork in front of you and then follow the green arrow to take the track on your left.
2. The track bears away to the right into the park, then bears round to the left and then right, running parallel with the Aylsham road for a while.
3. The path runs along a cultivated field towards a wood, known as Long Plantation, at the bottom end. The path bears right and then almost immediately left. Enter the wood.
4. Go straight ahead, heading towards the Tower.
5. Continue on, until you reach a break in the wood and a small path to the right leading to the Tower. Take time to have a look. Afterwards, retrace your steps to the break in the wood; turn right and continue until you reach a small car park on your left. The path then runs around Hyde Park (which can be seen through the trees on your right), eventually bearing right and running along Bunkers Hill, also on your right.
Look out for: an 18th century tower.
6. After 200 yds (200m) or so, when passing another small car park, you’ll be entering Great Wood.
Look out for: Great Wood. Great Wood has changed little since the late 18th century, with its English oaks, groves of beech and ancient sweet chestnuts, as well as superb, veteran, small-leaved limes on the banks in the south-west of the wood. In April and May sweeps of bluebells will tell you that summer is on its way. You might even spot anemones.
7. The path bears right here.
8. The path goes uphill for a while, flattens out and then goes downhill.
9. Follow the path until you reach a fir plantation, then immediately turn right. This will eventually bring you to an area where you can examine the Mausoleum.
Look out for: the Mausoleum.
10. When you reach a junction in the path, going right will take you to the Mausoleum, or turn left to continue the trail. Coming out of the wood, the trail continues along an open area for 200–300m to an area known as the Beeches.
11. Turn right at the Beeches, go through the gates and head down the path. Take the opportunity to sit on the bench halfway down the hill and enjoy the view. Exit the park gates, back to the car park and enjoy much-needed refreshments at Muddy Boots café.
End point: Blickling main car park, grid ref: TG178286
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